I'm Lee. I am a creative director and design leader. I'm driven by ideas that make people take notice and take action–from conceptual campaigns and thumb stopping social to data-driven design. I've worked at agencies and in-house on the client side.
Driving creative forward for Heyday's Beauty & Personal Care portfolio of brands: Boka, ZitSticka, Tree of Life, Kolua Wax, Bambody, and FreshCap.
Redesigning real estate. Led marketing creative, integrated campaigns, brand identity as the head of the Brand Studio.
Focused on marketing campaigns and creative for Uber's global social handles.
Led creative teams focused on marketing campaigns and social channels. Built out creative teams in Mexico and Brazil.
Led visual design for the Marketing Creative Team focused on growth and rider & driver acquisition.
Brands: Levi, Audi, Anheuser-Busch, and Google
Brands: Chivas, Wrigley's, La Brea Bread, and Gardein
School of Journalism. Originally a film major. Studied a lot of Spanish.
Post graduate certificate in Creative Technology. Everything web design to launhching a start up.